education of ANB Coaches
26, 2014 (RELEASE) --
Over the past few months, ANB Academy coaches participated in continuing
education events to keep abreast of the latest soccer coaching techniques at
the highest levels. Additionally, the conferences allow the ANB coaches to
establish new networking opportunities and solidify existing relationships.
In December, 2013 the Academy Director, Bassam Naim and Marcelo Almeida
participated in the annual Alliance of European Football Coaches Associations
(AEFCA) Conference in Antalya, Turkey. New ideas from European soccer
federations and professional clubs were presented including:
- 2013 Confederations Cup analysis and 2014 World Cup impact presented by G.
Houllier (France)
- Football Coaching discussion between G. Houllier & C. Brown (Scotland)
- Southampton FC youth development philosophies
- Turkey FA coaching development
- Recent progress in eliminating match fixing by UEFA
Coaches |
ANB Coaches with Spanish Delegation |
January, 2014 ANB Coaches attended the NSCAA Convention in Philadelphia, PA.
Over a period of 4 days, the coaches attended various seminars and practical
coaching sessions led by professional technicians from the United States,
England, Portugal, and Croatia. The coaches returned with new ideas and learned
the latest techniques of how best to coach youth players. Additionally, many
relationships were formed among the 12,000 other coaches in attendance.
Coach Marcelo Almeida, Academy Director, Bassam Naim and ANB Coach Bruno
Riga |
2013, many ANB Academy Futbol coaches attended higher education soccer courses
and were awarded various coaching licenses:
- Roberto Sposito Ontario Provincial B
- Bruno Riga Ontario Pre-B
- George Pimentel Ontario Pre-B
- Fernando Araujo Ontario Pre-B
- Flavius Manolache Ontario Pre-B
- Tania Pedron OSA Soccer for Life (part of the CSA LTPD
Coaching Pathway)
- Christina Fantozzi OSA Soccer for Life (part of the CSA
LTPD Coaching Pathway)
- Jeff Gonsalves OSA Soccer for Life (part of the CSA LTPD
Coaching Pathway)
- Nicholas Sin USSF Youth License (2014)
ANB Academy Futbol expects staff coaches to attend at least one coaching event
/ course annually in order to maintain a high coaching level among all the
various programs. The Academy continues to encourage all the coaches to pursue
different soccer licenses and attend clinics which will assist in developing
future soccer athletes.
ANB academy's vision is to become Canadas leading soccer development
organization. Its mission is to identify Canadian soccer talent, and to
maximize the potential of players at any level, through professional coaching
and training.
For more information on the programs offered by ANB academy, check out our
website site at www.anbfutbol.com or by telephone at 905-313-8661 or via e-mail
at info@anbfutbol.com