4, 2013 (RELEASE) --
One of ANB Academy's key objectives is to assist athletes achieve their
personal futbol goals as a player - professional, semi-professional and
university scholarships - as well as provide opportunities for players to
participate in the "beautiful game" at a higher level in other
capacities - coaching, administration, and athletic therapy. As players develop
into older athletes and leave to pursue these endeavours, the Academy would
like to see them return in their breaks to represent Academy teams in older age
competitions and act as mentors to younger Academy members.
Therefore, starting in 2013 the ANB Academy has decided to offer substantial
financial assistance to all full-time registered players born in 1995 and
older. Each successive year, the Academy anticipates the assistance will be
offered to the following birth year (i.e. in 2014 - 1996 and older born
players). Despite the financial assistance, the players will still be required
to follow the "ANB Code of Conduct" and be active participants in all
Academy activities.
Over the past years, the Academy has graduated numerous players to active
rosters on Canadian university teams, NCAA Div. 1 & 2 teams (United States
university system) and Canadian college teams. These players have returned to
the Academy in their off-season to train, play and maintain their game
Academy Director, Bassam Naim, says, "This is a new initiative for the
Academy and we feel this will encourage older players to stay in the game as
well as serve as inspiration for younger players to pursue a higher level of
futbol. We anticipate this will be a success for many years to come."
The ANB Academy's vision is to become Canada's leading futbol development
organization. Its mission is to identify Canadian futbol talent, and to
maximize the potential of players at any level, through professional coaching
and training.
For more information on the programs offered by ANB academy, check out our
website site at www.anbfutbol.com or by
telephone at 905-313-8661 or via e-mail at info@anbfutbol.com