Futbol ... Players Volunteering in the Community
Jan 7,
2014 (RELEASE) --
from the ANB Soccer Academy met together once their season had ended, to
deliver gifts and give back to the community. On Dec 15 and 21st, a group of
ANB boys spent their day visiting two different care centers. The boys visited
with the seniors at the Amica Home and some of the residents at the Maple
Health Center.
Through fundraising efforts, the ANB boys were able to purchase one poinsettia
for each resident in the facility. The boys arrived there, fanned out through
the lobby and delivered a poinsettia plant to everyone there. The residents
were delighted to see the boys in uniform and receive a small gift from them.
It was very heartwarming to see teenage boys spread smiles and brighten part of
their day. The boys enjoyed card games with the residents and put on a small
ball juggling performance. It was a privilege to meet the seniors in these
homes. Many were over 90 years old and had their own soccer stories to share.
Thank you to the staff at the Amica Home and Maple Health Center for giving the
boys the opportunity to visit their facility and thank you to everyone who
supported our fundraising efforts and made it possible to bring each resident a
ANB academy's vision is to become Canadas leading soccer development
organization. Its mission is to identify Canadian soccer talent, and to
maximize the potential of players at any level, through professional coaching
and training.
For more information on the programs offered by ANB academy, check out our
website site at www.anbsoccer.com or by telephone at 905-313-8661 or via e-mail
at info@anbfutbol.com