13, 2014 (RELEASE) --
Futbol is pleased to announce its 6th Annual International ID scouting camp
taking place on the weekend of
(Fri. Sat. Sun.), 6 - 8
June, 2014 on its trainings grounds at CDS (King City, Ontario), home of
ANB Futbol and League 1 Ontario Senior Team. The camp will be open to all
players, both male and female, throughout Canada between 12 to 23 years of age.
Coaches and scouts from the following European clubs will be testing, observing
and scouting the participants:
Coach Bertrand Reuzeau, Paris Saint-Germain, Academy Director,
French Ligue 1
Coach Francois Rodrigues, Paris Saint-Germain, French Ligue 1
Coach Jean-Phillip Nallet, Annecy FC, Evian FC partner club
Coach Sebastien Duc, Evian FC, French Ligue 1
Scout Pierre Sage, Olympique Lyonnais, French Ligue 1
Scout Franck Sale, OCJ Nice, French Ligue 1
Scout Danny Lee, UK Independent Football Consultant
Steve Sallis, Millwall FC, Football Association Championship
Coach Julian Gack, Troyes FC, French Ligue 2 (J4K
France rep.)
Coach Emmanuel Beauchet, Troyes FC, French Ligue 2
Maurizio Iorio, former professional player, FIGC Beach Soccer

Friday 6 June, 2014: Evening - presentation on European youth formation
Saturday 7 June, 2014: Daytime - Technique testing & small sided
games Evening - ANB Futbol (League 1 Ontario) home opener
Sunday 8 June, 2014: Daytime - Technique, fitness testing & full
sided games
1. Assess Canadian youth talent level in comparison to the European player.
2. Players who demonstrate the skill and talent to handle a European trial will
be approached on an individual basis.
3. Players who show ability but need additional preparation will be approached
on an individual basis.
In the past five years, over 15 players were invited to various trials in
England, France and Italy, based on their strong showing in the ID Camp. Based
on 2013 results, one player has moved to France and is presently within the
French Football Federation system and is being consistently scouted for top
professional clubs.
"We are building on the successes of previous years, and we anticipate a
stronger group of players being a part of the event this year. We will also
enjoy the interaction between professional coaches and the local soccer
community," said Bassam Naim, Academy Director.
ID Camp registration is limited, based on a first come, first serve basis.
ANB academy's vision is to become Canadas leading soccer development
organization. Its mission is to identify Canadian soccer talent, and to
maximize the potential of players at any level, through professional coaching
and training.
For more information on the programs offered by ANB academy, check out our
website site at www.anbfutbol.com or by telephone at 905-313-8661 or via e-mail
at info@anbfutbol.com